Jetsons wall clock!

Jane, stop this crazy thing!

While decorating my retro living room we decided a new wall clock would be nice. I searched around and found several oh-so-funky examples that led me to this design.

There was a certain optimistic vision of the future portrayed in the Jetsons and in the shows design style. The jumble of odd shapes and angles paired with pastel colors evoked a sense of dazzle for the future, while keeping us grounded in the present. (50s and 60s present, that is.)

I decided to build this project using only my hand-held power tools to remind us that:

  1. Woodworking can be accomplished with very little investment in tools. A jig saw doesnt cost much but is incredibly versatile. There are very few cuts it cant handle. 
  2. You dont need a lot of space to do some woodworking and make some cool stuff for your house. This project and the tools I used can easily be stored in an apartment closet.

I hope you can pick up some ideas from this project and make something of your own. Ive packed the video with a plethora of tips to get you thinking differently about woodworking and realize that its something anyone can tackle. All you need is a little imagination. Kind of like the Jetsons universe.

  • If you would like to make your own Jetsons clock, here is a set of cutting templates.  (pdf file)



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